
Our club is run by and for students. That means that everyone has to contribute something in order to keep the club going, by participating in one of our 15 committees. Committees are fun and a nice way to get to know people.
Down below there’s an overview of the committees, to show which committees there are, what they do and what is expected from its members. Now you can decide which committee(s) appeal(s) to you.

You can state your preference(s) at the subscription form.
If you have already subscribed at pusphaira it is still possible to join a committee. Some of the committees still look for members during the season. Feel free to ask a board member or a committee member about this!


If you are passionate about Cooking and would like to help out, join the KookCie! We Cook whenever there is an occasion for it, whether it be a club evening, an activity or simply because we're hungry!

Go(Blue)Green Committee

The Go(Blue)Green Committee looks into the sustainability of our association, and ways to improve this.

STUTO Committee

STUTO is a big football tournament in Rotterdam, which we help organize.

Cash Audit Committee

The cash audit committee consists of former treasurers whom will do anything to prevent fraudulent activities from the board.. or so they say.

Advisory Board (RVA)

Each year the members of the Advisory Board, "Raad van Advies" (RVA), are chosen by the new board and normally consists of board members from previous years. The RVA can give solicited and unsolicited advice to the board at any moment.

Activities Committee

The Activities Committee ensures that events are organized throughout the year. Think of a pub crawl, cantus or New Year's tournament, the Activities Committee takes care of it all! As a committee member, you are responsible for the preparation and progress of the events! So you have a say in the activities' calendar of Pusphaira!!

Clothing Line Committee

Do you have creative, fun or cool ideas for merch? Is there really something missing in the webshop? This is the committee to ensure that your best ideas for Pusphaira merchandise become reality! The clothing line committee is responsible for all Pusphaira items in the webshop, from training uniforms to beer mugs.
In addition to designing merch, you are also responsible for making the members happy by handing them over their ordered clothes/stuff and you are therefore working as a committee to process all orders from the webshop.
Do you like this? Then sign up for the clothing line committee!

Promotion Committee

The PR Committee makes sure that Pusphaira is visible for the students in Eindhoven. The committee makes promotion material for other committees (like posters), makes aftermovies and writes pieces text for on the website. Do you like photoshopping or are you great in writing match reports? Than this committee might be something for you!

Intro Committee

During the introductionweek of the TU/e and Fontys it is important that we show our club to the new students of Eindhoven. The Intro Committee will take care of all the promotion and activities during this week.

Ski Committee

Every year the SkiCie organizes a super fun winter sports holiday. All Pusphairans who fancy a sporty holiday in the snow or fancy a nice cold beer with the Aprés-ski are welcome. Would you like to organize this trip? Then sign up for the SkiCie!


Would you like to (learn how to) give training to other members? We offer Pusphaira members an opportunity to personally develop themselves, by giving training during these training blocks. There is coaching from other trainersstaff, and you'll be giving training 3 hours per month. Interested? Read further!

Puspass Committee

The Puspass is the Pusphaira clubmagazine, published 3 to 4 times a year. It contains all latest gossips and stories of the latest events, up coming event etc. Do you like to write, are you always present at parties, and do you know the latest gossips? Subscribe for this committee!

IT Committee

Every year Pusphaira organizes the International Students Soccer Tournament. All sorts of things need to be organized for such a large tournament, the accomodation needs to be arranged, sponsors are needed, and of course entertainment for the party evenings cannot be missed!

5×5 Committee

Every year Pusphaira organizes the 5x5 tournament, it's a one-day tournament where mixed teams from members and non-members compete for the title. Would you like to participate in the organization of this tournament, sign up for this committee!

wApp Committee

It's important to keep the website and app up to date, so all members can stay posted on the latest news.

Sponsor Committee

Sponsors are an important part of the existence of an association. Our motto is therefore: Want geld in ’t laatje, da telt! (Because money in the drawer, that counts!) Would you also like to join the sponsor committee? Then you are most welcome! In addition, if you have ideas for sponsors or sponsorship campaigns, we would also like to hear them. Because everyone knows: the more people contribute ideas, the better for Pusphaira!

Photo Committee

The photo committee is there to take the team pictures and the individual ones for on the website and in the canteen. But maybe even more important is the task to take pictures at every event Pusphaira is joining and the parties afterwards!

Club Evening Committee

After the trainings on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday we organize once or twice a month a club evening in our own canteen. Pusphaira members can have a drink to finish their training and/or to finish the week and celebrate the weekend. Next to open the bar, something extra can be organized (for example a pubquiz or in a special theme like Easter). The club evening committee takes care of the bar personnel and the extra decorations for the evening.

Batavieren Committee

This committee organizes the participation of Pusphaira at the Batavierenrace, the biggest relay-race of the world! It’s an event for students and it’s a very nice weekend trip with as much Pusphaira members as possible. Of course you first have to run a little distance and drive in a van, but after that there is a big party at Saturday night. Everyone is always looking forward to it, so you are a very appreciated committee.

BUS Committee

The BUS-committee organizes the participant of Pusphaira at a tournament of another (foreign) club.
You’re organizing a kind of vacation (during one weekend) for a group of Pusphairans. Additional advantage is that you can have a say in the destination of the vacation.
So do you like to go on holiday and do you maybe like to organize the trip too? Then you’re a perfect member of the BUS-committee!

Referee Committee

Do you like to be a referee or do you not mind to referee sometimes a match of the lower teams or the ladies? Are you doing a good job on the field as a ref or do you want to learn it? Then you should join the Referee Committee! Together with your committee members you referee matches of the lower teams, the ladies and maybe even P2. At the start of the season there will be a referee instruction evening; experienced referees will give instructions an explanation about refereeing matches.

Bar Committee

Do you like to draw beers (and do you like to drink them too)? Do want to have a say in the music in the canteen and do you want to meet more Pusphaira people? Then you really should join the BaCo!
The BaCo is the committee with the most members and they take care of the bar every Sunday. You don’t have to stand there every week, but we like enthusiastic members! Also the BaCo parties are very nice and you really don’t want to miss them.

You can find the committee brochure here: CommitteeBrochure19-20_EN