Become a Member

Are you a (HBO/WO/PhD-)student and do you have a student sports card, then you can join Pusphaira to play soccer. Instead of becoming a match member, it is also possible to join Pusphaira as a training member. Are you interested but still have doubts? Just pass by, you are more than welcome to join a training to see if you like it. Do you want to know more about our club? Have a look at this page.

You can always mail the board for more information, or call our secretary: Renske van Dijk +31 6 31542228.

Dit registratie formulier is ook beschikbaar in het nederlands

    • Training member per season: €30 (aug till may)

      • You can not play matches!

    • Match member per half season: €50 (aug till dec or jan till may)

    • Match member per season: €80 (aug till may)

    I would like to become a:

    Training memberMatch member for a full seasonMatch member for half a season

    * After the 1st of March you can only register as a competition member for the upcoming season starting in September and no longer for the current season! You can register as a training member all year round!



    Team preference trainings

    As a training member you will join the trainings of one specific team. Please indicate here if you have a preference to train with a specific team.
    Please note: as a training member you can NOT play matches!

    Estimated attendance

    We would like to know your estimated attendance for the matches, they are played on sunday.

    I will be present more than 75% of the matchesI will be present less than 75% of the matches.

    In case you have filled in less than 75% we would like to know the reason for this so we can keep this in mind with the team compositions (reasons could be: have weekend trips often or have to work on sundays etc.).

    Team preference
    Prefered category(s)

    There is a framework to determine a fitting team for you. The core of the framework consists of dividing the teams into 3 groups based on football expectations/motivations and fitting the right player to each group. The three groups are:
    Group A: Football enjoyment through Quality. This season P1 focusses on performing on Sunday, with limited spots, extensive selection, mandatory training 2 times a week and match minutes based on performance.
    Group B: Football enjoyment through Challenge. This season P2, P3 and P4 focusses on challenging and improving yourself and as a team. With high motivation and intensity, you are expected to come to trainings and matches and play in higher than 6th division.
    Group C: Football enjoyment through Recreation. This seasonP5-P10 focusses on having fun, flexible training expectations and equal playing minutes.
    (Multiple options are possible)

    A categoryB categoryC category

    If you have a specific team preference you can indicate this here.

    Prefered position(s)

    With this information we try to make balanced teams. It is no guarantee that you can play on this position. (Multiple options are possible)

    Additional comments

    Player Photo (max 2mb)

    If you want to play matches you are obligated to have a players card, which will be provided by the Dutch soccer federation (KNVB). For us, to be able to place such a request, we need a player photo of yours.

    Type of identification

    For your registration with the KNVB we need the following passport / identity card information:

    PassportIdentity card

    Personal details

    Date of Birth  

    Expected date of graduation

    Have you already bought a sports card from the Sports Center?


    * You will get the students sports card number in your mail or it can be found on this page after you have acquired a students sport card from the Student Sports Centre Eindhoven (SSCE). Thus, this is NOT your studentnumber!

    * You need a sports card from the Student Sports Centre Eindhoven (SSCE) to join Pusphaira. If you haven't bought one yet, you should do so as soon as possible and send you sports card number to If it is not yet possible to buy a card for the right period, you should do this as soon as this is possible. For now, you can still fill in this registration form.

    Have you been a member of another football club in the past three years?


    This is a Dutch club YesNo


    AB    More info: Categorie A en B

    Club location:

    Did you get paid or did you have a contract at that club? YesNo
    Photo identification document:

    If we have to transfer you from a club abroad, we also need a photo of the front and back of your ID.

    Front (max 2mb):
    Back (max 2mb):

    Committee interests

    We are a student club and since we arrange everything ourselves we need your help. It’s for students, but also by students! Please indicate in which committees you would be interested. Later, you might be asked if you want to join the committee. You can find here which committees we have and what their tasks are.

    Promotion CommitteeIntro CommitteeSkiCieTrainerspoulePuspass CommitteeIT Committee5x5 CommitteeWebsite CommitteeSponsor CommitteePhoto CommitteeClub Evening CommitteeBatavieren CommitteeBUS CommitteeReferee CommitteeBar Committee

    How did you find Pusphaira?

    GoogleInstagramFacebookThe IntroweekFriendsFellow studentsOther, please specify:

    Terms and conditions for inactive members

    To become a member you have to accept the terms and conditions for inactive members, you can find these terms and conditions here


    To become a member of Pusphaira, we need your approval to use your personal data. At Pusphaira, we process and store personal data. All the fields in this form and pictures. We use the data from this form for our membership administration. We store pictures to use on our website (behind a password), our news letters and our magazine, the Puspass. This data might be shared with the following third parties: Google, Dropbox, Pusphaira website and the KNVB.

    GDPR E.S.V.V. Pusphaira

    By submitting this form you are accepting that we keep the above mentioned data for an undetermined period of time , that we use this data as mentioned and that we share this data with the mentioned parties.

    Code of Conduct

    To ensure a safe and respectful environment for all members, Pusphaira has a code of conduct. By becoming a member, you agree to respect and adhere to this code of conduct. Please read it carefully before agreeing.

    Code of Conduct E.S.V.V. Pusphaira

    I have read the code of conduct and agree to its contents

    I accept the terms and conditions mentioned above and give E.S.V.V. Pusphaira permission to collect, use and share my data with the above mentioned parties.

    I am aware that by filling in this form I am obliged to pay the aforementioned costs of contribution.