We are one of the largest student sports associations of the Student Sports Center of Eindhoven University of Technology. Having fun is our top priority! To learn more about us, watch this video or read here more about us and join us!                        


Trainers update
geplaatst door Bestuur

The contract of Ferry Smith, the men’s goalkeeper coach, and Teun Bosch, the women’s head coach, have been extended by one year! In addition, Twan van Helvert, trainer of P2, and Leontien Cremers, the women’s goalkeeper coach, will also stay next season. Earlier it was announced that Daan Guldemond will also be head coach of the men’s selection next year.

Ferry Smith has been a great asset to the club for years. Next year will be Ferry’s fifth year at Pusphaira. The board and the keepers of the selection are very satisfied with Ferry and are very happy with the extension of his contract. An experienced goalkeeper coach gives the goalkeepers the important extra skills they need.

Teun Bosch will also continue to train and coach ladies 1 next year. Next year will be his seventh year as a coach at the club, but before that he was also a member of Pusphaira. Ladies 1 played third division this season, after the ladies were promoted last season. In addition to his trainer qualities, he also has a lot of experience within Pusphaira and that has many advantages.

Twan is the newest addition to the club, as next year will be his 2nd year at Pusphaira. Training a student team was new to him, but he really enjoys it. The 2nd team is also very satisfied with Twan, as he is always cheerful and gives good training. The cooperation between him and Daan goes smoothly and together we create a good men’s selection.

Finally, we arrived at Leontien, the ladies’ goalkeeper coach. Like Teun, she has been known to Pusphaira for some time. She used to be the goalkeeper of the 1st women’s team, but due to injuries she had to stop playing football. Fortunately, she enjoys training and has the opportunity to pass on all her keeper secrets. In addition, Leontien can be found in various committees where she actively participates and helps the club even more.

We can train again!
geplaatst door Bestuur

After the announced relaxation of the cabinet, students (who are younger than 27 years) can train in a team again from 3 March! During these training sessions there is no longer a need to keep a meter and a half distance from each other. However, this must still be done before the start of the training and after the training. For now, each team can train once a week for 90 minutes. This is due to the limited capacity at the sports park in connection with the curfew. In addition, other (indoor) sports associations will also make use of the sports park. In order for everything to run smoothly, it is important that everyone reads the protocol carefully!

ED: Guldemond extends contract with Pusphaira for one year
geplaatst door Bestuur

Daan Guldemond has extended his contract with Pusphaira by one year. For the 29-year-old head coach, it will be the third season that he is the head coach of the Eindhoven student team. Click on the link below for the full message:


Important! Waiting list MEN!
geplaatst door Bestuur

Due to the large number of registrations, all our men’s teams are full. You can no longer be placed in a team. If you register as a match member, you will end up on a waiting list and you will be placed first in a team at possibility. You can still sign up as training member.

Ladies can still sign up as match members!

Information regarding corona
geplaatst door Bestuur

All the information regarding corona will be placed on this page. That way everybody (also opponents) can see how we deal with the usage of the dressingrooms and canteen for example.

Cancellation of trainings on August 20th
geplaatst door Bestuur

Because of the introduction week the ladies and selection training on 20-08 will be cancelled.

Pusphaira is looking for ladies
geplaatst door Bestuur

Do you study in Eindhoven and do you want to come and play some football? We are looking for you! At our club you can play football at different levels and we also like to drink some beer in the third half. With the many activities we form a close group. We train twice a week and play matches on Sundays.
Do you want to know more? Click here or send an email to bestuur@pusphaira.nl. It is possible to first attend a try-out training! Please mail us in advance.

Are you already enthusiastic about our club? Click here to sign up.

P2: new trainer ánd new competition
geplaatst door Bestuur

We can proudly announce that a trainer for the second team has been found! Twan van Helvert will provide the training on Tuesdays and coach the team on Sundays. The second team has also been promoted to the third division, which means that they now play in the A category. They come out in a tough competition. We wish p2 and Twan a lot of fun and success this season!
Would you also like to become a member or know more about our association: look here to become a member and here for more information or send us an email (bestuur@pusphaira.nl).

Trainings during the summer
geplaatst door Bestuur

The selection men trainings will be cancelled from 19-06 untill 13-07.

The ladies trainings will continue as normal.

The lower men trainings will take place on Monday and Wednesday from 19:00-20:00. There will not be a second block.

No training on the 1st of June
geplaatst door Bestuur

Due to Pinksteren there is NO training on June 1st. During the rest of week 23 the trainings will continue as normal.